I visited Waitsfield Vermont the other day. For some reason, the town name (and the rain on the surrounding green fields, I suppose) got me thinking about a certain Irish poet and writer of my acquaintance.
Are all the residents of Waitsfield Tom Waits fans, do you think?
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Loose association of the day.
Posted by
9:22 PM
There are any number of poets in Ireland of whom this might be said, since Tom Waits is revered on these shores. And Ireland boasts more bards per square hectare than any other patch of greenery on the planet.
Still, I'll lap up the compliment and will return one: You were always the most magnanimous adjudicator of the Topazzian trifle that convulsed the standard bearers of virtue into vacuity.
Waits' new album, Orphans: Brawlers, Bawlers and Bastards, is a thing of sublime genius. 56 tracks, 30 of them new. He's the best poet writing in the States today, I think. I once saw the novelist John Berger interviewed and all he wished to talk about was his admiration for Waits.
You know, I must confess an embarrassing ignorance of Tom Waits and his work. On your recommendation, I'll pick it up. Thanks.
As for your compliment - it's a ticklish dillema, and difficult ascertain all of the various aspects of this unfortunate occurence to which people are reacting. It has been provocative for me, though - I'm percolating a post on damnation related in part to this event (and in part to observations about the nature in which atypical behavior serves alternatively to bolster identity development, or result in a shame-based stymie of the self).
Sigh... When I get a minute. Got a few pots on the burner that are boiling up at the moment.
Thanks for stopping by. Some time, I'd like to get a cohesive impression from you on the nature in which online interaction reflects and impacts the person behind the assumed identity. Seems to be an issue on which you've invested some thought.
Happy native-american subjugation day. I'll be doing my part to celebrate the genocide by consuming traditional foods with my family later today.
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